Fed Up Friday

Meg here for the moment!

Today I’ve designated as Fed Up Friday. Please add to my list of ticked off tales.

Commercials…yes, I realize yesterday that I blogged referring to a commercial, but if I had the power to change them, I would.

I hate saturation advertising where the same flippin’ spot is run either back to back or 15 thousand times during one TV show!

I hate commercials that come on so blasted loud that my teeth rattle. Do ya think we’re all going to the bathroom or the kitchen and NEED to hear your ad that badly? Come on, get real!

I hate commercials that are obnoxious: Head On, Staples!, Vehix.com–those girls are so stupid and we all KNOW why they were cast. Guys aren’t listening, but women are seething. We don’t need/want/like bimbos.

So what has you fed up on this Friday?   (If you’re having a good day….)