Get Your New Year On!

I’m so excited! Know what you’re getting? (I’m getting one, too!)

Hints: It’s big. It’s full. You can do anything you want with it. And you get to open it tonight.

Give up?

It’s a Brand New Year!

I’m kind of weird about it, but I love starting the new year. Having 365 days I can fill any way I want is exciting.

I know, so many things in our lives feel as if they’re set in stone. But if you don’t like it, YOU are the only one who can change it. And this (now!) is absolutely the time to start that change.

It isn’t easy, but if you stop to think about it, it’s absolutely worth all the trouble it causes. So, how do you go about changing something?

  1. Decide what you want to change. (It’s best for me not to be too specific or too general, but you must do it the way that works for you.)
  2. Research ways to make that change and decide on your best course. (Be flexible enough so if one way doesn’t work out, you can try another.)
  3. Talk about it as you go so you don’t shock the people around you too much.
  4. Write it down. (I’m big on goal setting.)
  5. Post it to your vision board.

I’ll do this in several areas of my life: Spiritual, Health, Home, Writing, Personal Relationships.

Want an example? Okay, I want to lose weight this year. (Health)

  • Decide approximately how much I want to lose.
  • Research weight loss programs. (I’m hoping to find a Christian based program, but I might decide on Weight Watchers.)
  • Research ways to circumvent problems. (When I’m hungry between meals, what can I eat that’s not a Plan Wrecker? What can I keep for Mindless Munching that’s not a PW?)
  • Research exercise plans. (Best ones for burning calories!)
  • Resolve that no matter what the celebration or what anyone else has cooked what’s going on in my world, I’m going to stick with my plan.

This is hard for me, because I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feeling if I don’t eat their goodies. And I feel as if I’m no fun to be around if I don’t eat like everyone else. 😦

  • Tell the people around me what I’m doing. (Reserve the right to whack the back of the head if someone answers, “good, you need to.”)
  • Stay away from people I know will try to sabotage me, no matter how much fun they are.
  • Write down my objective and strategic plan so I can’t fool myself or change my mind.
  • Post a picture to my vision board. Either an old picture of me before weight gain or a picture of someone else who looks the way I want to.

What’s a vision board? Whatever you want it to be. Mine is a poster board with pictures or a couple of words about my goals. The trick is to hang it where you’ll see it every day. Then remember to look at it, so when you get back to your everyday grind, your goals won’t slip your mind.

I have a feeling mine’s going to be pretty full this year. 🙂

Question: Do you make resolutions or set goals for the New Year? Will you share one or two?

Friday Book Reviews: Thomson, Thayer and Osborne



H.D. Thomson 

A friend suggested I read this paranormal suspense. Boy, I’m glad I did for its impressive prose and word choices selected to enhance tension. The story unfolds with edge of the seat suspense which caused me to jump more than once as I read (I admit to being a “weinie” about scary things). Thomson writes romance to engage the senses with sizzling love scenes. (an e-book)



Patricia Thayer

Thayer’s (Harlequin Romance 7/09) rancher Trace McKane has an infertile wife, Kira. Both likeable characters have ruined their happiness and marriage trying to build a family. In this realistic book Kira speaks ten words to each verbal movement of her husband’s lips. Just as it is in real life, this simple explanation of the delicate verbal communications outside the bedroom offers realistic dialogue should anyone want to study how couples speak. Nicely done.



Kristen Osbourne 

A fun premise for what proved a too short book (e-book). A former college roommate, now a minister’s wife, sets up her thirty-two year old single tall friend in Texas with an even taller dairy farmer in Wisconsin. After a month exchanging texts, he proposes sight unseen. They trade pictures. Their first face to face contact is at the altar. Jason makes it clear to Amanda they will consummate the wedding on the first night of their brief honeymoon. A nice ‘baby story at 66 pages’ which could have grown into a good romance novel. It made a pleasant afternoon diversion.


Remember: If you want a particular book reviewed, please contact me. If you wish to review a book, we ask that it not be your own work. Make reviews between 20 and 300 words. Scale between 1-5 hearts with one being the worst book you ever read. Five is for a best ever read. We reserve the right to edit reviews for length and content. The reviews are based on recent reads, NOT NECESSARILY NEW RELEASES.

Reviewed by Robyn Daniels

Happy Anniversary to My Hero!

Today, I’ve been married for 33 years to my one true love.

We got married right out of high school. They said it would never last, but we were stubborn. When others were calling it quits, we dug in and fought fair.

We have three wonderful children and five gorgeous grandbabies. I could not be more pleased with the way myown love story worked out.

Our life together has not been a fairy tale.  And truthfully, we didn’t have enough conflict to make it a good romance story.  Regardless, I will always be happy I met Bert in that high school debate tournament, and the rest became history.  Even if I still think I should have won that round…

–Sandee Wagner


As we come to the end of the year, it’s time to reflect and assess our past goals and accomplishments. One of my goals last year was to de-hoard my house. If you remember, I had three rooms I couldn’t walk through, not counting the pieces of furniture stacked so high with stuff I couldn’t use them properly. I’m proud to announce that I have cleared out two rooms; my “junk” room is ready to be remodeled as a guest room while my library has all the books off the floor, ready for me to sort through them to clear out more. On top of that, my kitchen and living room are no longer cluttered. You can even sit down in my living room!

My second goal was to convert my library from paper to Kindle. I’ve done some, but I’ve discovered another kind of hoarding. Kindle offers many free books and I’m not talking about indie published books. Backlists, cost leaders, traditional publishers all offer limited freebies. Suddenly, my hoarding has switch over to my Kindle. For now, I’m not going to worry about it. After all, at least the hundreds of books that I’m hoarding on my Kindle are in one place and aren’t a fire danger like my books on the floor were.

My third goal were my writing goals. Some I met and some I didn’t, but I’m not going to whine. This is the time of year where authors forgive themselves for what they didn’t do and cheer for what they did accomplish. I even have triumphs I didn’t expect, so the year wasn’t a complete waste like others in the past.

Now, time to make my resolutions for 2012. 1. Continue to de-hoard. I DO have one more room to clear and my closets…well, let’s just say I might find Jimmy Hoffa. 2. I will continue to convert my library. I’ve already started by turning in my credit card points for an Amazon gift card. 3. I will get all my backlist up on Kindle. 4. I will make a monthly timetable where I WILL complete a set number of words on my WIP and complete one of the projects I have going.

In the words of one of my heroes…make it so!

Out with the Old

As the days wind down 2011 to a new year, I’ve taken the time to reflect what is important in my life– the goals I’ve accomplished, those I wish to pursue, what I want to achieve, and how I’m going to obtain them. Change is inevitable. Change is good. Change is coming.

It is no secret that scuba diving has become a passion. So has photography plus the new excitement of joining the two. Add HD video.

Blue spotted sting ray - Philippines

Splendid Toadfish - found only around Cozumel

Jimmy Buffet’s song proclaims my situation: “With these changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes, Nothing remains quite the same…” My focus has shifted to moving and other artistic pursuits, so I will be leaving RWA and my beloved RWI.


The Day After

‘Twas the day after Christmas

Paper littered the house

Everyone is stuffed

Yeah, even the mouse


I love my presents

Both big and the small

But my favorite gifts

Didn’t come from the mall


Homemade goodies

From family and friends

Has increased my waistline

My belts at the end


I gained a few pounds

Who cares right now?

I’ll start dieting soon

Before I ‘m big as a cow


A new year is coming

Of this there’s no doubt

When you sign a new contract

I’ll jump up and shout


It’s obvious I’m no poet

So I’ll give you a break

I’ll blame this sad ode

To the fact that it’s late


I’ll end this poem

And try to do it right

Merry Day After Christmas to all

And to all a good night


(Whew! Now aren’t you glad that’s over? 🙂 )


Celebrating the One

A woman was out Christmas shopping with her two children. After many hours of looking at row after row of toys and everything else imaginable, and after hours of hearing both her children asking for everything they saw on those many shelves, she finally made it to the elevator with her two kids.

She was feeling what so many of us feel during the holiday season time of the year—overwhelming pressure to go to every party, every housewarming, taste all the holiday food and treats, get that perfect gift for every single person on our shopping list, make sure we don’t forget anyone on our card list, and the pressure of making sure we respond to everyone who sent us a card.

Finally the elevator doors opened and there was already a crowd in the car. She pushed her way into the car and dragged her two kids in with her and all the bags of stuff. When the doors closed she couldn’t take it anymore and stated, “Whoever started this whole Christmas thing should be found, strung up and shot.”

From the back of the car everyone heard a quiet, calm voice respond, “Don’t worry. We already crucified him.”

For the rest of the trip down the elevator it was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop.

Don’t forget this year to keep the One who started this whole Christmas thing in your every thought, deed, purchase, and word. If we all did it, just think of how different this whole world would be.      

Celebrating The Reason For The Season, all year ’round!

Thank you, #4, for sharing this story with me. LY!!! You’re a real pal!

Holiday Traditions

I wish I could say that every Christmas Eve, my family gathers around the big Christmas tree to sing carols and drink eggnog. We don’t do anything worthy of the cover of the Saturday Evening Post. In fact, my children and grandchildren seldom figure into my Christmas plans.

When my adult children married and inherited in-laws and other family relations, our holiday issues became algebraically more complicated. Instead of adding stress, my husband and I chose to not put any stress on the kids regarding holiday plans. Because of this laissez faire attitude toward family togetherness on Christmas, our kids have chosen to simplify their lives by either doing their own family Christmases, or joining their in-law families. We seldom see our kids or grands at Christmas.

My husband and I have shared a few quiet holidays and although they are rewarding, it’s not the same as being surrounded by family. I come from a very big family.  Our holidays were akin to spending hours in Grand Central Station–with all the brothers and sisters coming and going, dragging their kids and pets with them. On my eighteenth Christmas, my mother announced to the gathered hoard that she was no longer hostessing a family Christmas and the next year, she and my father would be out of the country for the holidays. They did and we were all on our own.

The next year, we didn’t pack up our kids and make a trek across the state to spend time with my folks.  Instead, we woke up with our babies, oohed and ahhed over Santa’s presents and had our first nuclear family Christmas.  I came to appreciate the gift my parents gave us by removing the expectation from our holidays.  It allowed us to make our own holiday traditions.

I’ve decided that we need some new holiday traditions in my house. I’ve accepted that I’m not going to get all my kids and grands gathered for a big family feast. If you drew a triangle in the middle of the US, my three kids and their families reside at the three points of that triangle. Far, far apart. And I don’t like making choices.

So this year, instead of sadly facing a day with just my DH and myself, we’re trying something different. We’re volunteering for the USO. Over the Christmas holidays, we’ll be serving young servicemen and women who are far, far away from their families for the holiday season.

I may not be cooking up a meal for my kids and grands, but whatever goodies I bake will be going to someone who craves some home cooking. Maybe by spending time with folks who are parted from loved ones this holiday season, I can treasure my own quiet evening with DH.  If I spend a little time ‘giving back’ my own season won’t seem so sad and lonely.  So, wish me luck.  Or maybe, wish the USO some luck!

–Sandee Wagner


Okay, right off the bat, let me state firmly, I can barely keep my checkbook balanced and tax time, even WITH Turbo Tax, is a nightmare.  But I’ve noticed a few things this past year as the owner of a Kindle. Understand, in the past, I’ve spent $1000 to $1500 a year on books.  Fiction, non-fiction, gifts, whatever.  And though I haven’t started adding up my receipts for this year, it looks like I’ve spent about the same…maybe more.

One of the reasons I got my Kindle was I wanted to convert my favorite books or authors to take up less room.  But guess what?  I’m not a cheap skate, but I discovered that I object to paying paper book prices for books I already own. Add onto that the fact that a digital book shouldn’t cost as much as a paper book due to less costs, I REALLY found myself reluctant.

It wasn’t cheating the author; I’ve already paid them once.  And based on what I’m hearing, what the traditional publishers are paying in royalties, the authors don’t get any more royalties on digital books than their mm books.  Indeed, it seems as if they may be getting LESS. So, I’ve found myself only buying, at the publisher’s prices, the duplicates I HAVE to have and waiting for sales by the publishers for others. And those have been few and far apart based on the number I would like to replace.

Where, then, is my book money going?  It’s been on special priced books by traditional authors I’ve never read.  Or the backlist that my favorite authors are re-printing on their own.  And the bulk is going to the books costing $0.99 – $2.99 written by new/unknown authors. By doing this, I’ve discovered some great new books! Actually, I’ve only had one “bad” book so far and that was a re-print of a traditionally published author!

So, for me, it’s been well-worth sticking to the cheaper books. I’m still buying the books I want to replace.  I’m just not doing it as fast as I want. I am still buying my authors’ new stuff like I did before…waiting for the paperback prices, but not as many. So if the traditional publishers want more money from me, they better re-think their pricing options for this new world of books!

Fear Factor is Back

The reality TV junkie that I am, I was happy Fear Factor was back on. For those who don’t watch, it is gross–no, really gross. The contestants have to push through ‘fears’ in order to compete for money. They do things I wouldn’t do no matter how much money is offered. But I did use the principle when I first started dirt track racing.

Then I started thinking about what other fears I’ve pushed through. Flooding my mask while learning scuba. Swimming without said mask in black out conditions–this was a big one for me as cutting off sight makes me extremely claustrophobic! Go figure that one.

Fear of success.